Kelly Green (known as "kelexandra" on her YouTube) embarked on the journey of video editing in 2010 after being inspired by the visual effects of movies such as Inception, Titanic, and Labyrinth.
And visionary music videos like "What You Waiting For?" by Gwen Stefani, "Take On Me" by AHA and "Walking On Air" by Kerli.
Her love of music also inspired her to create remixes, mashups and edits since fall of 2017.
Now, as a self-taught editor, she uses programs such as Sony Vegas, After Effects, Photoshop, Premiere, and Audition. She can do visual effects and graphic design, produce remixes and mashups of famous pop artists and she creates beautiful music videos dedicated to movies in hopes she too can produce real music videos for Hollywood companies and the visionary design, sound, and editing of music videos for well-known and indie artists.
Music Videos created by her such as "Hold" (created in 2016) will reel you in with nostalgic memories, and the happiness, sadness and loss surrounding love.
The music video "Heavy" (song by the late Chester Bennington with the film 'Amazing Spider-Man 2') showcases her impeccable timing and editing with a powerful EDM track giving you that "wow" feeling from start to finish.
The artist of the song she used for her music video for 'Wonder Woman' ("Heroes" by Zayde Wolf), liked and commented on her post and messaged her on Instagram appreciating her work calling it "Rad!"
Combining music and visuals, she demonstrates the rare ability to perfectly time each musical note to a scene in a music video bringing forth feelings of emotion to the viewer leaving them wanting more.
Occasionally, she also writes novels and short stories in the genres of Horror, Thriller, and Sci-Fi. Her love of photography inspired her to create concept art for her book covers which can be seen in the photos page above.
In January of 2020, Kelly was also hired for SXSW to edit and produce several promotional and music video projects for bars among "Sixth Street" in Austin, Texas. As of November 2020, she was noticed by Miley Cyrus' management team and RCA Records to use her cover art for Cyrus' and Stevie Nicks' remix called the "Edge of Midnight" released in November 2020. Kelly released her own remix/mashup dubbed "Edge of Midnight" back in August and a "Live" version in September, both generating over 1 million views on YouTube alone. Magazines such as I-D, Variety and L'OFFICIEL have brought up the kelexandra remixes in articles discussing the new remix by Miley and Stevie (see here). Miley Cyrus tagged kelexandra on her Instagram video upon releasing the mix between both Cyrus and Nicks.
If an artist, label or company would like to contact me my email is:
If you are interested in any production work, vfx, editing and videograpghy let me know.
- Kelly Green.